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You Are Appreciated!

During Covid time I’ve been watching more television. Sound familiar? I’ve loved the Star Trek series going way back. In the season three finale of their new series Discovery they projected this quote from Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek’s creator’ on the final screen.

"In a very real sense, we are all strangers on a strange planet. We spend most of our lives reaching out and trying to communicate. If during our whole lifetime, we could reach out and really communicate with just two people, we are indeed very fortunate.” That quote made me think of you and the wonderful responses I get from some of my readers. I am aware and grateful for how fortunate I am to be able to communicate with you. My life‘s passion is to eliminate suffering and to elevate well being. I do that 1-to-1 in my office caring for patients. And communicating with you through these newsletters allows me to share knowledge that helps eliminate suffering and elevate well being with even more people. Thank you for reading and sharing my Newsletters. My colleague, Nicola Walker, recently interviewed me. Our topic was resolving trauma to live your dream life. In this 20 minute interview I shared simple strategies to put the negative affects of trauma behind you. Click here to listen And feel free to share the link with family and friends so you can spread your influence! Look for the good! Dr. Linda

Fun Fact: The Star Trek TV universe is becoming more diverse. In the same show Michael Burnham, a black woman, was named Captain of their starship.

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