When I was with family last December for my sister's memorial service I went to church and came across this inspiring way to remember something important.
Its "The 5 Finger Prayer". Raise your hand in front of you and count off your fingers ... then everyone's covered INCLUDING YOU!!!
Thumb - those closest to you, your family
Pointer - those that point you in the right direction (teachers, healers, counselors)
Middle - those that mentor/lead/inspire you. Ask for guidance and wisdom.
Ring - those that are weak, in trouble, or in pain. We can't pray too much for them.
Pinkie - you and your own needs.
That gives you a whole new way to look at your hand doesn't it?
Don't pray? That's OK!
Maybe you don't relate to praying. That's OK! May I make a suggestion? Use the same formula but instead of praying feel or imagine a sense of gratitude, compassion or love for those associated with each finger. Being in that state is a way to give a beautiful gift to yourself and to those in your world.