Dear reader,
In the last blog, I talked about the trifecta of bad health: Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas with the added overindulgence of New Year’s Eve.
If you plan ahead and prepare, you can prevent yourself from being swept away from your healthy practices in this season of excess.
From my book Internal Cleansing, I offer this healthy holiday dessert. It’s low in calories and high in nutrients. Plus it’s delicious. Enjoy!
Vegan Fruit Parfait

Yield: 4 servings
Here’s a chance to be creative and add variety to your diet based on the best of the season or whatever is available in the frozen food section. Remember fruit is best for you and yours when it’s organic.
2 cups fresh or frozen fruit, cut into bite-size pieces
1 cup nuts or seeds (optional)
One recipe below of Whipped “Cream” Tofu Style
Spoon alternating layers of cut fruit (and nuts/seeds, if desired) with Whipped “Cream” Tofu Style in clear bowls or parfait glasses.
Variations: instead of fruit, try one cup of applesauce. One time I made a strawberry rhubarb compote by mixing equal parts of fruit and cooking them over low heat for 15 minutes. I added sweetener to taste for the last five minutes of cooking, then let the fruit compote cool before layering with the Whipped “Cream”.
Note: In the winter, you can use frozen fruit, but be sure it is well-thawed before layering with the whipped cream. To thaw the fruit quickly, microwave it for up to two minutes or heat over a double boiler until softened.
Whipped “Cream” Tofu, Style
Yield: 4 servings
I like this whipped cream better than dairy-style because it has more body and I find it holds up better when mixed with the fruit in recipes such as this Fruit Parfait. It also has the advantage of adding protein to help prevent a blood sugar spike from the sweetener and fruit.
One package (8 ounces) firm tofu
Juice of 1/2 small lemon
1/2 to 1 teaspoon of vanilla or other flavoring to taste
Sweeten with your favorite sweetener to taste.
Blend all the ingredients together until smooth.
If you are sensitive to soy, this whipped cream recipe won’t work for you. Substitute dairy or coconut whipped cream. Be careful of the propellants in canned whipped cream of all types. It’s more work but you gain NEAT, non-exercise aerobic thermogenesis advantage; whereby you burn extra calories - always a plus this season - by whipping your own cream!
Or just leave the whipped cream out and enjoy a delicious and nutritious fruit salad.
If you want to boost the protein content even more, soak the nuts or seeds for 12 hours. Drain the liquid before use. This also makes the nuts or seeds easier to digest.
As always …Here’s to your best health!
Dr Linda
Parfait, means “perfect” in English. National Parfait Day is on November 25th. The first parfait recipe appeared in an 1890s French cookbook.
Dr. Linda Berry Healing Arts Chiropractic Nutrition Trauma Healing
Please note: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical care. Always consult with your healthcare provider for advice before you begin taking new supplements. You are responsible for all of the health choices you make.
710 C Street suite 9, San Rafael, CA 94901, USA
Ph/Text: 415-847-3755
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