Dear reader This is a gift from my colleague Katie Mae continuing with May's mental fitness theme. Katie Mae Vasicek specializes in Life Coaching with an emphasis on Parenting and Mental Fitness. She holds a B.A. degree in Child Development, an M.A. degree in Education, and brings several years of hands-on experience working with children, parents, and leaders. Katie Mae offers a range of services including workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, as well as personalized coaching for individuals, couples, and groups. Her approach aims to facilitate both personal and professional growth by helping clients overcome limiting beliefs, regain life balance, and achieve clarity, purpose and success. Most importantly, Katie Mae supports her clients in actively creating the fulfilling life they desire. Take this saboteur assessment to reveal what might be getting in your way. Read on for more information...
What is Mental Fitness? Mental fitness is our capacity to handle life's challenges with a positive versus a negative mindset. Just as we exercise our bodies for physical fitness, we must build up our mental muscles for emotional and mental well-being. However, many of us lack solid mental fitness skills, leading to stress, anxiety, and a sense of being overwhelmed, as if life is beyond our control. The Negative Default Mindset Evolution and childhood conditioning have caused the part of our brain where we experience negative emotions to be a superhighway of connectivity versus the region where we experience positive emotions, which has fewer connections and is more like a dirt road. That means we automatically process experiences with a negative mindset, which leads to negative feelings about ourselves, others, and our circumstances. Shifting to a Positive Mindset To help individuals cultivate a positive mindset, I offer the Positive Intelligence mental fitness seven-week "boot camp" to individuals, couples, and small groups. This program, developed by Shirzad Chamine at Stanford University, combines neuroscience, positive psychology, performance science, and cognitive behavioral psychology to rewire the brain for positivity. The program helps you learn to intercept negative thoughts, strengthen your self-command muscle and develop your inner "Sage" to handle challenges with a clear, calm mind and positive emotions. It's time to reduce stress, anxiety, and overwhelm and experience better relationships, improved performance, and enhanced well-being! Learn more here: Here’s to your contentment, joy and peace of mind. Dr Linda
FUN FACT. Exercising increases the production of cells that are responsible for learning, mood and memory.
Dr. Linda Berry Healing Arts Chiropractic Nutrition Trauma Healing Please note: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical care. Always consult with your healthcare provider for advice before you begin taking new supplements. You are responsible for all of the health choices you make.